Home » Mathematics » What fraction must be subtracted from the sum of (2frac{1}{6}) and (2frac{7}{12}) to give (3frac{1}{4})?

What fraction must be subtracted from the sum of (2frac{1}{6}) and (2frac{7}{12}) to give (3frac{1}{4})?

What fraction must be subtracted from the sum of (2frac{1}{6}) and (2frac{7}{12}) to give (3frac{1}{4})?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option D

(2frac{1}{6} + 2frac{7}{12})

= (frac{13}{6} + frac{31}{12})

= (frac{26 + 31}{12})

= (frac{57}{12} = frac{19}{4})

(frac{19}{4} – 3frac{1}{4})

= (frac{19}{4} – frac{13}{4})

= (frac{6}{4})

= (1frac{1}{2})