Home » Mathematics » A cube and cuboid have the same base area. The volume of the cube is…

A cube and cuboid have the same base area. The volume of the cube is…

A cube and cuboid have the same base area. The volume of the cube is 64cm(^3) while that of the cuboid is 80cm(^3). Find the height of the cuboid

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option C

Volume of a cube with side a cm = a(^3)

a(^3) = 64 (implies) a = 4cm

Base area of a cube = a(^2)

= 4(^2)

= 16 cm(^2)

(implies) Base area of the cuboid = 16 cm(^2)

Volume of cuboid = Base area x height

80 = 16 x h

h = (frac{80}{16})

= 5 cm