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Mathematics Theory The cost of dinner for a group of tourist is partly constant and partly varies…

The cost of dinner for a group of tourist is partly constant and partly varies as the number of tourists present. It costs $740.00 when 20 tourists were present and $960.00 when the number of tourists increased by 10. Find the cost of the dinner when only 15 tourists were present.


Let C be the cost and n the number of tourists. then C = x + ny. Where x and y are constants

740 = x + 20y………..(1)

960 = x + 30y………….(2)

Solving (1) and (2) simultaneously will yield x = 300 and y = 22.

Then, C = 300 + 22n.

If we substitute 15 for n this implies that C = 300 + (22 x 15)= $630.00