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Government Theory Identify any six problems confronting local governments in Nigeria.

Identify any six problems confronting local governments in Nigeria.


Problems confronting local governments in Nigeria:                                                                                                                                                (i)Bribery and corruption: Bribery and corruption retard the growth and development of local governments.

(ii) Inadequate funding: The local governments in Nigeria do not receive enough money to carry out their functions.

(iii) Inadequate trained personnel: In mar, local governments in Nigeria, there is scarcity of professionals to carry out certain assignments.

(iv) Tribalism. nepotism and favouritism: This is common during recruitment, transfer, discipline and promotion of star

(v) Political interference: State governments often deny them the required autonomy to work effectively

(vi) Embezzlement of funds: Public funds meant to develop the local governments are often embezzled an: misappropriated.

(vii) Inappropriate structure: Some local governments in Nigeria are too small or too large size.

(viii) Negative attitude to work by local government workers due to poor conditions of service.

(ix) Inefficient method of revenue collection.

(x) Boundary disputes exist among some local governments.

(xi) inadequate machinery and equipment.